Vials Of Wrath - From The Dead An Army Risen

The hand of the Lord was upon me
And I was carried out in spirit
And He set me in the midst
Of a valley which was full of bones

And I passed them round about
There were many so very dry
He asked me
‘Can these bones live?
Upon them now prophesy

From the dead an army risen
The breath of life enter you
Creating flesh, ye shall live!
And all will know I am the Lord!

I prophesied as commanded
There was a noise, behold they shake
The bones then came together
Skin covered, but no breath they take
Son of Man, he commanded me
Prophesy unto the wind
From the four corners
Breath into these slain so that they shall live

So I prophesied as he commanded me
And breath came into them, and they lived
They stood upon their feet
It was an exceedingly great army from the dead